Need help with a regex for alphanumeric password, with at least 1 number and character, and the length must be between 8-20 characters.
I have this but doesn\'t seem
Wouldn't it be better to do this validation with some simple string functions instead of trying to shoehorn a difficult to validate regex into doing this?
This code is for javascript
// *********** ALPHA-Numeric check ***************************
function checkAlphaNumeric(val)
var mystring=new String(val)
if([0-9]+/)==-1) // Check at-leat one number
return false;
if([A-Z]+/)==-1 &&[a-z]+/)==-1) // Check at-leat one character
return false;
Something like this will be closer to your needs. (I didn't test it, though.)
Regex test = new Regex("^(?:(?<ch>[A-Za-z])|(?<num>[9-0])){8,20}$");
Match m = test.Match(input);
if (m.Success && m.Groups["ch"].Captures.Count > 1 && m.Groups["num"].Captures.Count > 1)
// It's a good password.
? :)
Why not just use a handful of simple functions to check?
checkPasswordLength( String password);
checkPasswordNumber( String password);
Maybe a few more to check for occurrences of the same character repeatedly and consecutively.
If you take a look at this MSDN link, it gives an example of a password validation RegEx expression, and (more specifically) how to use it in ASP.NET.
For what you're looking to accomplish, this should work:
This requires at least one digit, at least one alphabetic character, no special characters, and from 8-20 characters in length.