I am having so much trouble installing openCV 2.3 with visual studio 2010. Crash after crash, installation after installation and after several weeks I\'ve had no luck. Unfo
I got exactly the same problem. I couldn't read any image. I checked the data flag and image size. The flag indicated error and the size was always (0, 0). Although I do not know the actual cause, I somehow could avoid the problem and run my program fine.
At first, I compiled OpenCV myself. Even though all the dlls seemed to be created correctly and there was no build error, I noticed that the header folders are not correctly organized. Therefore, I switched to the superpack binary and tried static linking. There were a lot of undefined symbols at the beginning, so I basically just put everything into VS link options. The number of libraries I had to input to VS was quite absurd, but it is a good way to test if the superpack works.
These are what I use. opencv_core230d.lib;opencv_calib3d230d.lib;opencv_contrib230d.lib;opencv_features2d230d.lib;opencv_highgui230d.lib;opencv_legacy230d.lib;opencv_ml230d.lib;opencv_imgproc230d.lib;opencv_video230d.lib;libjasperd.lib;libjpegd.lib;libpngd.lib;libtiffd.lib;zlibd.lib;
I also need to input Comctl32.lib to resolve linking error.
I tested my program with static libraries of superpack. Things work fine now. The headers I used are
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
I do not try using dlls yet, but I can confirm that VS 2010 + OpenCV 2.3 64 bit from the superpack work. I hope you will have some luck with the superpack too.
(Hmm, I can't remember if I put opencv.hpp in the opencv2 folder myself, or if it was there right from the beginning. I did a lot of things to make it work and was a bit confused. But, I believe you can figure this out yourself if there is anything wrong about the header.)
Hope this helps, Pinyo
I have OpenCV2.3 and had no problem to install it with Visual Studio v9.0.
What you should do to compile and run correctly your project in all the Visual Studio versions :
Properties of your project (right click on it)
Then don't forget to add the dll to your system path. Configuration panel > System > Advanced > Environment variables > Path you can add a user environment path which will override the other one, just click New (if you have never added directory to your system path before) and write the path eg : < your directory >\OpenCV2.3\bin
Without more information, I hope it could help...
Check your firewall. turn off firewall totally. Your antivirus may block the process too.
I had the same problem: cv::exception
for memory and this was it's cause.
Sometimes, the compiler cannot find the dll even if you have the correct path settings. At that point try copying the dll files from the openCV folder to ur current project (not solution) folder.
You should try making a cycle structure:
#include <iostream>
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
int main(){
Mat image;
namedWindow( "Gray image", 2 );
image = imread( "d://Gaa6P.png", 1 );
imshow( "Gray image", image );
return 0;
Rather than copy pasting I'll just link: http://theroundedengineer.blogspot.com/2011/07/opencv-23-for-vs-2008-from-source.html
Hopefully that helps. Granted I'm far from an expert on the differences between VS 2008 and VS 2010.