Table name: series_type
id| type| description
1 | 0| No series (Any team win 1 will be the winner)
2 | 1| Best of 3 (Any tea
I will using case, count and group by
select winner, count(winner) from
(select case radiant_win
when 1 then radiant_name
else dire_name
end as winner
FROM test.`match` ) as temp
group by winner;
I can't find start_time, radiant_team_id and dire_team_id as what you posted in the comment after you updated your question.
Below answer might not be the one you want since I'm not so clear on your question after you updated it.
select *, count(winner) as count
from (select case radiant_win
when 1 then radiant_name
else dire_name
end as winner,
from test.`matches`
where league_id = 2096 and
start_time >= 1415938900 and
((radiant_team_id= 1848158 and dire_team_id= 15)
or (radiant_team_id= 15 and dire_team_id= 1848158))
) as temp
group by winner;