I am trying to enhance the django admin interface similar to what has been done in the accepted answer of this SO post. I have a many-to-many relationship between a Us
I could find a way of solving this issue. The idea is:
To do this, I replaced:
if project.pk:
project.userprofile_set = self.cleaned_data['userprofiles']
if project.pk:
# Get the existing relationships
current_project_selections = Membership.objects.filter(project=project)
current_selections = [o.userprofile for o in current_project_selections]
# Get the submitted relationships
submitted_selections = self.cleaned_data['userprofiles']
# Create new relation in Membership table if they do not exist
for userprofile in submitted_selections :
if userprofile not in current_selections:
# Remove the relations that were deselected from the Membership table
for project_userprofile in current_project_selections:
if project_userprofile.userprofile not in submitted_selections :