I have a div in a template that has #divMessages as a template reference name.
When some events occu
<div [innerHTML]="divMessages"></div>
in typescript you can append by this way
var appendElement = '<li>'+data.message+'</li>' ;
this.divMessages = appendElement;
I solved this problem by using the Renderer2 Abstract class, Which is a service provided by Angular to Manipulate DOM elements. Import the Renderer2 from angular core. then create element and append text to it.
import {Component, OnInit,NgModule, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';
pass Renderer2 object to class constructur.
constructor(private http: HttpClient,private renderer:Renderer2) { }
//create the DOM element
let li=this.renderer.createElement('li');
//create text for the element
const text = this.renderer.createText(data.message);
//append text to li element
this.renderer.appendChild(li, text);
//Now append the li tag to divMessages div
i used @ViewChild decorator to get the div as a divMessages
@ViewChild("divMessages", {read: ElementRef}) private divMessages: ElementRef;