Trying to automap some objects.
Source objects has properties with _ before name, destination objects - have not.
Is it possible to implement ONE map creation, that auto
Something I added recently to AutoMapper might help you - custom naming conventions. If you check out the trunk (R107), look around for INamingConvention. Right now, I have two naming conventions (PascalCase and lower_case_underscore), but it's really just a matter of figuring out the right RegEx to get you going:
Right now, naming conventions are global and profile-scoped. Since this feature is new, there isn't any documentation other than the tests.
This is how I'm doing it
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.RecognizeDestinationPrefixes(new []{"_"});
cfg.RecognizePrefixes(new[] { "_" });
cfg.CreateMap<To, From>().ReverseMap();
For this you could add a custom mapping to solve this particular case:
Mapper.CreateMap<From, To>()
.ForMember( dest => dest.Id, opt => opt.MapFrom( src => src._Id ) )
.ForMember( dest => dest.Name, opt => opt.MapFrom( src => src._Name ) );