I am trying to write a simple python code for a plot of intensity vs wavelength for a given temperature, T=200K. So far I have this...
import scipy as sp
Here's a basic plot. To plot using plt.plot(x, y, fmt)
you need two arrays x and y of the same size, where x is the x coordinate of each point to plot and y is the y coordinate, and fmt
is a string describing how to plot the numbers.
So all you need to do is create an evenly spaced array of wavelengths (an np.array
which I named wavelengths
). This can be done with arange(start, end, spacing)
which will create an array from start to end (not inclusive) spaced at spacing
Then compute the intensity using your function at each of those points in the array (which will be stored in another np.array
), and then call plt.plot
to plot them. Note numpy let's you do mathematical operations on arrays quickly in a vectorized form which will be computationally efficient.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
h = 6.626e-34
c = 3.0e+8
k = 1.38e-23
def planck(wav, T):
a = 2.0*h*c**2
b = h*c/(wav*k*T)
intensity = a/ ( (wav**5) * (np.exp(b) - 1.0) )
return intensity
# generate x-axis in increments from 1nm to 3 micrometer in 1 nm increments
# starting at 1 nm to avoid wav = 0, which would result in division by zero.
wavelengths = np.arange(1e-9, 3e-6, 1e-9)
# intensity at 4000K, 5000K, 6000K, 7000K
intensity4000 = planck(wavelengths, 4000.)
intensity5000 = planck(wavelengths, 5000.)
intensity6000 = planck(wavelengths, 6000.)
intensity7000 = planck(wavelengths, 7000.)
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity4000, 'r-')
# plot intensity4000 versus wavelength in nm as a red line
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity5000, 'g-') # 5000K green line
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity6000, 'b-') # 6000K blue line
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity7000, 'k-') # 7000K black line
# show the plot
And you see:
You probably will want to clean up the axes labels, add a legend, plot the intensity at multiple temperatures on the same plot, among other things. Consult the relevant matplotlib documentation.
Just want to point out that there seems to be an equivalent of what OP wants to do in astropy:
Unfortunately, it is not very clear to me yet how to get wavelength vs frequency based expression.