I have a question about communication between activities on implementation program of Android.
Here is two activity classes.
public class HelloAndroi
although you can do it by creating static method , but not right way because it will leave context . pass data to Tab1Activity you have in HelloAndroidActivity throgh intent . inside Tab1Activity getIntent and work accordingly .
you can also use onTabChange() to reflect changes between tabs .
You can pass data between activities using intent
, you could put it in the extras with the intent:
intent.putExtra("callX", true);
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
if (extras != null) {
boolean callX = extras.getBoolean("callX");
if(callX) {
EDIT If you need to event/listener mechanism it could be roughly like this(haven't compiled this, but should give you an idea):
public inerface MyEventListener {
abstract void handleMyEvent();
public class Tab1Activity implements MyEventListener {
public void handleMyEvent() {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void onDestroy() {
public class HelloAndroidActivity {
static ArrayList<MyEventListener> listeners = new ArrayList<MyEventListener>();
public static void addListener(MyEventListener listener) {
public static void removeListener(MyEventListener listener) {
public static void onEvent() {
for(MyEventListener m : listeners) {