I am currently hiding a div based on an if statement. The method I use is, use echo
out a css
style of display: none
Here is w
You could:
<div runat="server" id="theDiv">
Code behind is
theDiv.Visible = False;
Most people would use javascript
Heres a previous thread that will help you out:
Javascript if else statement to hide and show div
Using Php in your CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) is not "proper",
Also, You can use Php in your HTML:
<?php if (condition){ ?>
<div id="content">
Foo bar
<?php } ?>
With this code, div block don't appear, (and you don't use it with JavaScript), You can use this for just hidden your div :
<div id="content" <?php if (condition){ echo 'style="display:none;"'; } ?>>
Foo bar
Why not create a class:
.hidden {
display: none;
And than apply it with PHP:
<div id="content" <?php print ( condition ? 'class="hidden"' : '' ); ?> >
I generally try to avoid using PHP Conditionals inside of CSS; especially inline CSS (CSS that is on the same page).
I would keep your CSS in its own CSS file and use the PHP conditional to either add a "hide" class to the DIV -OR- not echo the DIV at all.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<div id="content" <?php if(conditional) : ?>class="hide"<?php endif;?>>
Foo bar
or alternatively
<?php $class = (conditional) ? "hide" : ""; ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<div id="content" class="<?=$class?>">
Foo bar
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<?php if (conditional) : ?>
<div id="content">
Foo bar
<?php endif; ?>
Many times the div needs to be outputted so it can be re-displayed using JavaScript (e.g. carousels, sliders, etc.)
That would not be the best way to hide a div. Since PHP is parsed server-side, you might as well have the if statement include or exclude the div instead of echoing a CSS class. The only time that would be useful with a CSS class is if you plan to use JavaScript to show the div on the page later on, while the user is on the page itself.
Yes, that is the standard way of hiding a div. With regard to the browser cache, it shouldn't cache this as it isn't in an external stylesheet.