I have a User model. I can check whether a User is an admin by doing a_user.try(:admin?)
I\'d like to define a named scope that gets all Users updated
Just another possibility, usable in Rails 4,
scope :recent, -> { where('updated_at > ?', 5.minutes.ago }
# If you were using rolify, you could do this
scope :non_admin, -> { without_role :admin }
# given the OP question,
scope :non_admin, -> { where(admin: false) }
scope :non_admin_recent, -> { non_admin.recent }
This is just another possible format and taking in account the possibility of using Rolify gem.
if admin column in users table is a boolean,
scope :recent, lambda { :conditions => ['updated_at > ? AND admin != ?', 5.minutes.ago, true] }
Instead of using lambda
, I find it cleaner to use class methods.
def self.recent
where('updated_at > ?', 5.minutes.ago)
def self.admin
where(admin: true)
def self.recent_and_admin
recent.admin # or where('updated_at > ?', 5.minutes.ago).where(admin: true)