Are there any existing libraries to parse a string as an ipv4 or ipv6 address, or at least identify whether a string is an IP address (of either sort)?
For IPv4, you can use
If it throws an exception, some_string
is not a valid ip address
For IPv6, you can use:
socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, some_string)
Again, it throws an exception, if some_string
is not a valid address.
ipaddr -- Google's IP address manipulation package.
Note that a proposal to include a revised version of the package in the Python standard library has recently been accepted (see PEP 3144).
IPv4 + IPv6 solution relying only on standard library. Returns 4
or 6
or raises ValueError
# Python 3.3+
import ipaddress
def ip_kind(addr):
return ipaddress.ip_address(addr).version
except ImportError:
# Fallback
import socket
def ip_kind(addr):
return 4
except socket.error: pass
socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr)
return 6
except socket.error: pass
raise ValueError(addr)
apt-get install python-ipaddr
or get the source code from here
Yes, there is ipaddr
module, that can you help to check if a string is a IPv4/IPv6 address, and to detect its version.
import ipaddr
import sys
ip = ipaddr.IPAddress(sys.argv[1])
print '%s is a correct IP%s address.' % (ip, ip.version)
except ValueError:
print 'address/netmask is invalid: %s' % sys.argv[1]
print 'Usage : %s ip' % sys.argv[0]
But this is not a standard module, so it is not always possible to use it.
You also try using the standard socket
import socket
print "ipv4 address"
except socket.error:
print "not ipv4 address"
For IPv6 addresses you must use socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, address)
I also want to note, that inet_aton
will try to convert (and really convert it) addresses like 10
, 127
and so on, which do not look like IP addresses.
I prefer ip_interface because it handles situations both with and without prefix mask, for example, both "" as well as simply "". Needless to say, works for both v4 as well as v6
from ipaddress import ip_interface