I\'m having some problems defining an array of strings in const
under the code section in Inno Setup, I have the following:
I made a little utility function a little while ago. It won't allow you to assign an array on a constant but it could do the trick for a variable in a one liner. Hoping this help.
You can use it this way:
listvar := Split('one,two,three,four,five', ',');
{ ============================================================================ }
{ Split() }
{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Split a string into an array using passed delimeter. }
{ ============================================================================ }
Function Split(Expression: String; Separator: String): TArrayOfString;
i, p : Integer;
tmpArray : TArrayOfString;
curString : String;
i := 0;
curString := Expression;
SetArrayLength(tmpArray, i+1);
If Pos(Separator,curString) > 0 Then
p := Pos(Separator, curString);
tmpArray[i] := Copy(curString, 1, p - 1);
curString := Copy(curString, p + Length(Separator), Length(curString));
i := i + 1;
End Else Begin
tmpArray[i] := curString;
curString := '';
Until Length(curString)=0;
Result:= tmpArray;