I put my application folder in
packages/apps // inside AOSP source code
Now my application has following Android.mk
in the s
You can take help of some other system app. Copy your target app which need to be installed in /data
in say /system/usr/share
device/<your platform> /extras/usr/share/<target app>:system/usr/share/<target app name> \
write above rule in
device/platform/<platform specific mk >
Now using some other system level app you can check whether your app is installed or not. If not installed install it via package manager by giving above path
system/usr/share/<target app name>
I got the solution by changing this thing in Android.mk
Basically, the android AOSP build system doesn't build anything into /data. The idea of the /data partition is that it's user data, and that it will be shipped from the factory empty (and deleted entirely on a device reset). If you want to install something into /data you do it after install using "adb install" or any other mechanism.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?