I cannot get azure blob storage hosted fonts exposed via azure cdn working in IE or Firefox.
I believe this is because of @font-face cross-domain issues (CORS) and t
This is no longer true, azure supports CORS
and a little guide to adding fonts to your azure cdn:
Your assessment is correct.
As a workaround, our company is utilizing Google storage (which supports CORS).
I would also suggest voting up this issue so the Azure team knows how many people are running into it.
The CDN doesn't modify the headers from the origin, so it responds with whatever headers blob storage emits. Blob storage does not support CORS headers.
I'm surprised to learn that @font-face has cross-domain restrictions, but it appears that you're right (for Firefox and IE).
If you have that option, you could put the fonts on a cloud service (rather than blob storage) behind the CDN and emit the right headers there.
I can use fonts, without setting up the CORS option anyway. I'm linking my fonts directly to the blob storage, and not a CDN, since this one does not supports the CORS from the blob.