This is a question upon the use of wtforms SelectField
Once the form submitted, I wish to extract selected text.
I have the following form:
It was answered as a comment, so I'm writing here.
to get the value instead of the name.
Another option is to get the index from and call it like this:
index = int(
When you set your choices, the list looks like [(index, value),...]
so you don't need to import it, and probably shouldn't if setting dynamically
value = dict(form.hour.choices).get(
Substitute self for form if inside form class
In general, I often zip the choices so index and value are the same. However, sometimes I want to present a displayed selection that's shorter than the value of interest. In that case, I think of it like [(value, display),...]
and then the data variable is the value of interest. For example, [(abspath, basename), ...]
Define choices global in forms:
HOUR_CHOICES = [('1', '8am'), ('2', '10am')]
class TestForm(Form):
hour = SelectField(u'Hour', choices=HOUR_CHOICES)
import it from forms, convert it to dict:
from .forms import HOUR_CHOICES
hour_display = dict(HOUR_CHOICES).get(
If you don't need the choice indexes, is much more simpler:
class TestForm(Form):
hour = SelectField(u'Hour', choices=[('8am', '8am'), ('10am', '10am') ])