I\'m new to Swift and SpriteKit. A lot of the samples of SpriteKit Actions are in Objective C, which I can\'t map to, nor get working, in Swift.
If running an SKAct
You completion code is not called since your "death" action is running forever, which means it will never end.
You can use
+ repeatAction:count:
method for setting a count for how many repeats will be made before finishing:
spaceManDeathAnimation = SKAction.repeatAction(SKAction.animateWithTextures(textures, timePerFrame: 0.15625), count:5)
In Swift you can use this extension:
extension SKNode
func runAction( action: SKAction!, withKey: String!, optionalCompletion: dispatch_block_t? )
if let completion = optionalCompletion
let completionAction = SKAction.runBlock( completion )
let compositeAction = SKAction.sequence([ action, completionAction ])
runAction( compositeAction, withKey: withKey )
runAction( action, withKey: withKey )
Use for example as:
myShip.runAction(move,withKey:"swipeMove",optionalCompletion: {
//Here action is ended..do whatever you want
extension SKNode
func run(action: SKAction!, withKey: String!, optionalCompletion:((Void) -> Void)?) {
if let completion = optionalCompletion
let completionAction = SKAction.run(completion)
let compositeAction = SKAction.sequence([ action, completionAction ])
run(compositeAction, withKey: withKey )
run( action, withKey: withKey )
func actionForKeyIsRunning(key: String) -> Bool {
return self.action(forKey: key) != nil ? true : false
myShip.runAction(action: move, withKey:"swipeMove", optionalCompletion: {
//Here action is ended..do whatever you want
Found an issue here:
spaceManDeathAnimation = SKAction.repeatAction(SKAction.animateWithTextures(textures, timePerFrame: 0.15625), count: 1)
Also,as sangony posted a very nice link - solved the completion block syntax to
spaceMan.runAction(spaceManDeathAnimation, completion: {() -> Void in
Very big thanks to everybody for contributions for a solution!