The attribute and C# examples are noted here but it doesn\'t look to be possible for FSharp.
Here's a quick 'n' dirty hack, which abuses inline
to get this info:
module Tracing =
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let (|TraceInfo|_|) (s:string) =
let m = Regex.Match(s, "at (?<mem>.+?) in (?<file>.+?\.[a-zA-Z]+):line (?<line>\d+)")
if m.Success then
Some(m.Groups.["mem"].Value, m.Groups.["file"].Value, int m.Groups.["line"].Value)
else None
let inline trace s =
printfn "%s" s
match Environment.StackTrace with
| TraceInfo(m, f, l) ->
printfn " Member: %s" m
printfn " File : %s" f
printfn " Line : %d" l
| _ -> ()
It actually does work, more or less:
A quick search through the compiler source code shows that the name CallerMemberName
does not appear anywhere in the code, so I think this feature is not supported. (You can certainly mark a parameter with the attribute, but these attributes are special - they instruct the compiler instead of being discovered and used in some way at runtime.)
Update July 2016: As of late June, F# now supports CallerLineNumber
and CallerFilePath
, but CallerMemberName
is still absent. It seems like that one in particular is more difficult to implement, unfortunately.
On a related note, F# has a few special identifiers that let you get the current source file name and line number, so you might be able to get similar information with __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
and __LINE__
(but not from the caller as in C#).