I just upgraded to Eclipse Mars and suddenly my ANT task working fine with Lunar complains:
The archive: C:/Program%20Files/eclipse_lunar/plugins/org.eclipse
A possible solution is to create the folder "C:\Program%20Files\eclipse_lunar\plugins" and place a copy of the actual *.jar from "C:\Program Files\eclipse_lunar\plugins" there
This worked for me:
mklink /D D:\Program%20Files "D:\Program Files"
Move the eclipse program directory to another folder wihtout spaces
Error message:
The archive: C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Eclipse%20Mars/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_64_3.104.0.v20150528-0211.jar which is referenced by the classpath, does not exist.
The problem was the Eclipse Mars is downloaded and extracted under a folder which space contained in its name. In the above error message the path contains folder names with spaces in between and displayed as %20
Inorder to solve this use anyone of the workaround mentioned below,
My Folder
to MyFolder
Create a symbolic link folder in windows using mklink command,
mklink /d D:\My%20Folder "D:\My Folder"
You'll get the following message,
symbolic link created for D:\My%20Folder <<===>> D:\My Folder
Note: For creating symbolic link you need to run the above command in the elevated command prompt.
Now you can run the ant scripts without the above error. This is a bug reported to eclipse and will be patched in the future releases.