The usual solution when you create routes in symfony and you want to have one route like
so that it does not conflict with othe
In the context of a controller, the order of action methods defines the order of routes. In the context of the whole application, you can import each controller explicitly to control the order, for example:
resource: "\Vendor\Controller\HomeController"
type: annotation
resource: "\Vendor\Controller\SecurityController"
type: annotation
pattern: "/logout"
resource: "\Vendor\Controller\UserController"
type: annotation
I can't comment on the answer, so I will leave how I had to write it in Symfony 2.3 to get it to work:
resource: "@AcmeBundle/Controller/HomeController.php"
prefix: /home #optional
type: annotation
Notice the change of "\" to "/" and using .php at the end of controller name.
You need to overwrite the rule for that route at the end of your routing.yml. You can do this by using the same name for the route as the one that is automatically created by the annotation. You can find the name with the console command:
php app/console debug:router
So in your routing.yml as the last line you will add:
defaults: { _controller: YourBundle:YourController:the_action_to_use }
By using the same name it is given by default you will override the original. Don't forget other options that might be important. Like a default value or null for {username} or the method.
You could also remove completely the route from the annotation for the controller. It is not required anymore as it is overwritten anyway :)