The function takes a list and returns an int depending on how many lists are in the list not including the list itself. (For the sake of simplicity we can assume everything
Here is a non-recursive solution:
The code:
def count_list(lst):
""" Given a master list, count the number of sub-lists """
stack = lst[:]
count = 0
while stack:
item = stack.pop()
if isinstance(item, list):
# If the item is a list, count it, and push back into the
# stack so we can process it later
count += 1
return count
This seems to do the job:
def count_list(l):
count = 0
for e in l:
if isinstance(e, list):
count = count + 1 + count_list(e)
return count
A functional-style solution without loops. Recursively processes the first element of a list, and the tail of a list. Add one for each empty-list encountered (that is, once we finish processing some list, its tail becomes empty, and we add 1 to the result). And subtract 1 for the list itself.
def number_of_lists(x):
f = lambda x: 0 if not isinstance(x,list) else (f(x[0]) + f(x[1:]) if len(x) else 1)
return f(x) - 1
x=[1,2,[[[]]],[[]],3,4,[1,2,3,4,[[]] ] ]
>> 8
lst = [1,2,[[[]]],[[]],3,4,[1,2,3,4,["[[[[[][[[[[[[[[[[[["] ] ]
strlst = re.sub("'.*?'", '',str(lst))
Making the list a string will allow you to use count function on the number of [
or ]
giving you an answer
But if a string within the list contains either [
or ]
they will be included
so removing all strings within the list using regex eliminates this problem
I like this tail recursive solution, although it's not much use in Python...
def count_lists(l, counter):
if (len(l) == 0):
return counter
e = l.pop(0)
if (isinstance(e, list)):
return count_lists(l, 1 + counter)
return count_lists(l, counter)
print(count_lists(x, 0))
You can do it with a recursion function :
def count(l):
return sum(1+count(i) for i in l if isinstance(i,list))
>>> x=[1,2,[[[]]],[[]],3,4,[1,2,3,4,[[]] ] ]
>>> count(x)