I\'m debugging a server process running in Eclipse 3.4.1. There are 20 threads or so, waking up at various interval after sleeping.
I set a breakpoint in one metho
Not sure if this will work (haven't got an Eclipse install to hand to confirm), but there's a debug option that you could try.
Under Run/Debug in the Preferences, there's an option called (something like) Activate debug view when a breakpoint is hit. If you uncheck that option Eclipse won't jump the focus to the debug view. It might also stop individual threads stealing the focus.
You could suspend the entire Java VM not only the executing thread to get rid of the focus problems.
Select a breakpoint in the breakpoints view and choose "Suspend VM" instead of "Suspend Thread". Under Preferences->Java->Debug you can make "Suspend VM" the default option.
I have had the same problem when debugging Play!Framework 2 applications. What seems to have finally solved it is to uncheck Java -> Monitors in the debug perspective/thread view panel context menu.
If the above does not help you can always disable all your breakpoints once you are debugging where you want to be.
In the Breakpoints view: Ctrl-A, Right click -> Disable
Could you use the option to stop all threads at the breakpoint?