Swift Enumerations .toRaw and .fromRaw with Xcode 6.1

前端 未结 2 1745
北海茫月 2020-12-17 07:52

In Xcode 6.1, the enumerations toRaw and fromRaw functions don\'t work anymore:

enum TestEnum : String {
    case A = \"a\"

  • 2020-12-17 08:28

    Create an enum from a raw using the failable initializer with rawValue and get the raw value using the attribute rawValue.

    if let a = TestEnum(rawValue: "a") {

    Read the changelog for more information.

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  • 2020-12-17 08:41

    It looks as if toRaw() and fromRaw() have been replaced with rawValue in Xcode 6.1 Beta (Build 6A1030). If CardSuits was an enum and .Clubs a case, then you retrieve the raw value with: let suit1 = CardSuits.Clubs.rawValue The result will be '1' if .Clubs was raw value '1' To retrieve the String from the raw value pass the raw value as a parameter of the enum like: let suit1 = CardSuits(rawValue:1) (this will be an optional value) The result will be the enum value of raw value '1', in this example .Clubs

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