I am running in my locahost both Zookeeper and Kafka (1 instance each).
I create succesfully a topic from kafka:
./bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper lo
I found the error. Observing zookeeper logs when the server started I noticed:
with a dot (.) after the name of the host.
The script that produces the zookeeper's config is from https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/blob/master/statefulsets/zookeeper/zkGenConfig.sh
Looking inside I see that DOMAIN is not filled:
HOST=`hostname -s`
DOMAIN=`hostname -d`
function print_servers() {
for (( i=1; i<=$ZK_REPLICAS; i++ ))
echo "server.$i=$NAME-$((i-1)).$DOMAIN:$ZK_SERVER_PORT:$ZK_ELECTION_PORT"
For my case (localhost) I don't need domain, so I removed that variable.
Now zookeeper and kafka communicate with no errors.
in server.properties to:
Note: You also need to uncomment this statement aka remove the # symbol.
If this happens suddenly after it was working, you should try to restart Kafka first.
In my case, restarting solved the problem:
$docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
If you want to set up it for local then you need to un comment the below line in path_to_kafka_folder\kafka_2.13-2.6.0\config\server.properties
UPD: if you are running in single-node mode:
I have seen this message in spark console log while trying to deploy application. Solved by changing this parameter in server.properties:
make sure that you have java process listening on 9092 with netstat -lptu