I have following controller code:
public MyController:Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
You need to add the .cshtml extension to the view name:
return PartialView("~/Views/Shared/MyCustomFolder/_MyPartialView.cshtml",PartialViewModel);
If the answers are still not working for you and you have put your partial in a nested folder inside of partials, ensure that you provide the full path to the partial with the extension.
@Html.Partial("~/Views/Partials/Components/_AdvancedComponentRenderer.cshtml", Model.Content);
I got this error message because the partial view was added to the project file (.csproj) but was not actually present on disk.
Also double check for spaces after your filename, before the ".cshtml". I had inserted one blank space accidentally after my filename, and this disrupted the automatic behavior of PartialView() for me.
Just in case the selected answer is not working for you:
I changed the build action of the cshtml file to Content and it fixed it.
Hope, this code helps you (In ".cshtml" file)
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewEngines
@inject ICompositeViewEngine Engine
string path = "../Themes/User/_head";
@if (Engine.FindView(ViewContext, path, isMainPage: false).Success)
<partial name="@path" for="@Model" />
<partial name="../Themes/Admin/_head" />