I\'m starting to develop in JavaCard (more specifically JavaCard 2.2.2).
I\'m searching for tools to develop in JavaCard. I want an IDE that incorporates both an em
as far as I know is JCOP still available, but only directly from NXP and not for free. And, since Oracle owns Java and Java Card, NetBeans makes it very easy to work with JavaCards (mostly JavaCard 3), but as long as you use the "classic applets" it will act as a 2.2.2
It also comes with a handy quick start guide https://netbeans.org/kb/docs/javame/java-card.html
You can try to use the JCIDE to develop JavaCard Applet for free. It is an Integrated Development Environment designed specifically for the JavaCard programming language.
The JCIDE itself also comes with a quick start video tutorial to help you. Also I feel great in use process.
You can see more about JCIDE in "https://github.com/Tolice/JCIDE/wiki"
You can use GPJ or GPSHELL or JCMANAGER for uploading and deleting .cap files on real javacards. These are download links :
GPJ: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gpj/ (Now GlobalPlatformPro https://github.com/martinpaljak/GlobalPlatformPro)
JCManager: https://github.com/martinpaljak/jcManager
GPShell: http://sourceforge.net/projects/globalplatform/files/GPShell/
JCOP tools is no longer maintained by IBM. All support activities related to the JCOP operating system were handed over to NXP in 2007 (?). You might be able to get further information from NXP directly (tools.jcop@nxp.com), but don't expect them to respond if your request is not backed by a real business case.
The toolchains for Java Card development (various versions) is available directly from Oracle (through their website). The toolchain can be used from the commandline and also supports ANT tasks. For upload to real cards, you can use open Global Platform tools (e.g. GPShell).