How to add them to a single page?
For the "Start menu folder" part, the easiest solution is to simply move all the controls from the SelectProgramGroupPage
to the SelectDirPage
. And of course, shift them all down, below the existing controls.
You should also shift the original DiskSpaceLabel
up, next to other related controls.
The last step is to update a tab order.
To hide the real "Select Start Menu Folder" page, use the ShouldSkipPage event function. Had you used the DisableProgramGroupPage=yes, the selected folder won't show on the "Ready to Install" page.
For the "desktop icon", you cannot move the TasksList
control, as that is populated only, when the "Select Additional Tasks" page is entered. You have to create your new checkbox. And use the Check parameter to bind the custom checkbox to the Icons section entry.
To add an information about the "desktop icon" task on the "Ready to Install" page, you have to implement the UpdateReadyMemo event function
Name: "{userdesktop}\My Program"; Filename: "{app}\MyProg.exe"; \
Check: ShouldCreateDesktopIcon
DesktopCheck: TNewCheckBox;
function ShouldCreateDesktopIcon: Boolean;
Result := DesktopCheck.Checked;
procedure InitializeWizard();
Offset: Integer;
{ shift the original `DiskSpaceLabel` up, next to the other related controls }
WizardForm.DiskSpaceLabel.Top := WizardForm.DirEdit.Top + WizardForm.DirEdit.Height + ScaleY(16);
{ Move all the controls from the `SelectProgramGroupPage` to the `SelectDirPage`. }
{ And shift them all down, below the existing controls. }
{ Update tab order. }
Offset := WizardForm.DiskSpaceLabel.Top + WizardForm.DiskSpaceLabel.Height + ScaleY(16) - WizardForm.SelectGroupBitmapImage.Top;
WizardForm.SelectGroupBitmapImage.Parent := WizardForm.SelectDirPage;
WizardForm.SelectGroupBitmapImage.Top := WizardForm.SelectGroupBitmapImage.Top + Offset;
WizardForm.SelectStartMenuFolderLabel.Parent := WizardForm.SelectDirPage;
WizardForm.SelectStartMenuFolderLabel.Top := WizardForm.SelectStartMenuFolderLabel.Top + Offset;
WizardForm.SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel.Parent := WizardForm.SelectDirPage;
WizardForm.SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel.Top := WizardForm.SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel.Top + Offset;
WizardForm.GroupEdit.Parent := WizardForm.SelectDirPage;
WizardForm.GroupEdit.Top := WizardForm.GroupEdit.Top + Offset;
WizardForm.GroupEdit.TabOrder := WizardForm.GroupEdit.TabOrder + 100;
WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton.Parent := WizardForm.SelectDirPage;
WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton.Top := WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton.Top + Offset;
WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton.TabOrder := WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton.TabOrder + 100;
WizardForm.NoIconsCheck.Parent := WizardForm.SelectDirPage;
WizardForm.NoIconsCheck.Top := WizardForm.GroupEdit.Top + WizardForm.GroupEdit.Height + ScaleY(16);
WizardForm.NoIconsCheck.TabOrder := WizardForm.NoIconsCheck.TabOrder + 100;
{ create new "Create a desktop icon" checkbox }
DesktopCheck := TNewCheckBox.Create(WizardForm);
DesktopCheck.Parent := WizardForm.SelectDirPage;
DesktopCheck.Top := WizardForm.NoIconsCheck.Top + WizardForm.NoIconsCheck.Height + ScaleY(6);
DesktopCheck.Width := WizardForm.NoIconsCheck.Width;
DesktopCheck.Height := WizardForm.NoIconsCheck.Height;
DesktopCheck.Caption := ExpandConstant('{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}');
DesktopCheck.TabOrder := 200;
function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean;
{ To hide the real "Select Start Menu Folder" page }
Result := (PageID = wpSelectProgramGroup);
function UpdateReadyMemo(
Space, NewLine, MemoUserInfoInfo, MemoDirInfo, MemoTypeInfo,
MemoComponentsInfo, MemoGroupInfo, MemoTasksInfo: String): String;
S: string;
if Length(MemoUserInfoInfo) > 0 then
Result := Result + MemoUserInfoInfo + NewLine + NewLine;
if Length(MemoDirInfo) > 0 then
Result := Result + MemoDirInfo + NewLine + NewLine;
if Length(MemoTypeInfo) > 0 then
Result := Result + MemoTypeInfo + NewLine + NewLine;
if Length(MemoComponentsInfo) > 0 then
Result := Result + MemoComponentsInfo + NewLine + NewLine;
if Length(MemoGroupInfo) > 0 then
Result := Result + MemoGroupInfo + NewLine + NewLine;
if DesktopCheck.Checked then
S := DesktopCheck.Caption;
StringChange(S, '&', '');
Result :=
Result + SetupMessage(msgReadyMemoTasks) + NewLine +
Space + S + NewLine + NewLine;
Of course, I had to make the wizard form higher, to fit all the controls.