I have an acyclic directed graph. I would like to assign levels to each vertex in a manner that guarantees that if the edge (v1,v2) is in the graph, then level(v1) > level(
You could use a topological sort to assign a unique number to each vertex with the property that you want Similarly you could go through the nodes in topological order and assign max(parents) + 1
I think letting the level of v be the length of the longest directed path from v might work well for you. In Python:
# the level of v is the length of the longest directed path from v
def assignlevel(graph, v, level):
if v not in level:
if v not in graph or not graph[v]:
level[v] = 0
level[v] = max(assignlevel(graph, w, level) + 1 for w in graph[v])
return level[v]
g = {'a': ['b', 'c'], 'b': ['d'], 'd': ['e'], 'c': ['e']}
l = {}
for v in g:
assignlevel(g, v, l)
print l
{'a': 3, 'c': 1, 'b': 2, 'e': 0, 'd': 1}