I\'ld like to count file downloads with PHP. The downloads number should be stored in a .TXT file.
How that can be done? Thanks Uli
Create a file named, say, download.php
, with the following content:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=<?php echo $Down; ?>">
$filePath = $Down.".txt";
// If file exists, read current count from it, otherwise, initialize it to 0
$count = file_exists($filePath) ? file_get_contents($filePath) : 0;
// Increment the count and overwrite the file, writing the new value
file_put_contents($filePath, ++$count);
// Display current download count
echo "Downloads:" . $count;
Put a link to it in another page, with the file to be downloaded as a parameter:
Answer reference Dreamincode answer to a similar question
$current_count = file_get_contents('count');
$f = fopen('count', 'w+');
fwrite($f, $current_count + 1);
header("Location: file.zip");