I\'m testing the component \"SelectOneMenu\" on a jsf page. I\'m populating this component dinamically though my ManageBean (that will get all Animals from database).
<There are many solutions to the presented problem. I present here two basic ideas.
Server-side solution. Simply attach <f:ajax>
tag inside your <h:selectOneMenu>
to update selected values and rerender user's choice, like in
<h:selectOneMenu id="combo" value="#{animalsManage.animalSelected}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Select..." noSelectionOption="true"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{animalsManage.allAnimals}" />
<f:ajax execute="combo" render="textbox" />
<h:inputText id="textbox" value="#{animalsManage.animalSelected }" />
If you like, you may also do some custom logic with selected element in ajax listener by specifying listener="#{animalsManage.performCustomAjaxLogic}"
of <f:ajax>
Client-side solution. Simply update element with id="textbox" on basic change event. So, if you use jQuery the solution will be
$('#combo').change(function() {
Thought the client-side solution will bind only text value of your input component.