I need to represent some numbers in Java with perfect precision and fixed number of decimal points after decimal point; after that decimal point, I don\'t care. (More concre
Are you completely sure BigDecimal is the performance problem? Did you use a profiler to find out? If yes, two options that could help are:
1) Use long
and multiply all values by a factor (for example 100 if you are interested in cents).
2) Use a specially designed class that implements something similar to BigDecimal
, but using long
internally. I don't know if a good open source library exists (maybe the Java Math Fixed Point Library?). I wrote one such class myself quite a long time ago (2001 I believe) for J2ME. It's a bit tricky to get right. Please note BigDecimal
uses a long
internally as well except if high precision is needed, so this solution will only help a tiny bit in most cases.
Using double
isn't a good option in many cases, because of rounding and precision problems.
decimal4j is a Java library for fast fixed precision arithmetic based on longs with support for up to 18 decimal places.
Disclaimer: I am involved in the decimal4j project.
Not sure why you need a library for it.
For example, say you want to add two longs with the same fixed precision
long c = a + b;
Say you have a fixed precision number you want to multiple by an integer
long c = a * i;
Say you want to divide a number by a integer rounding to zero
long c = a / i;
Say you want to print a fixed precision number with 3 decimal places.
System.out.println(c / 1e3);
Perhaps you are over thinking the problem and assuming you need a library for everything.
If you are using long
or double
you might want a small number helper methods for rounding, but you don't need a library as such.
Although this is not exactly what you are asking about, this can speed up your app without leaving BigDecimal
Since Java 8, this is solved by BigDecimal
itself. A new class MathContext was added and limits the precision to which the operations are calculated.
var num = new BigDecimal("1234.56780", new MathContext(10, RoundingMode.DOWN));
The catch is that the precision 10
does not apply to digits after decimal point. It applies to the number of significant digits. For 1234.50
, 6 is needed.
For 1_500_000_000.100
, 13 is needed to keep the number as is.
So the precision might suffer when you had a precision of 10 and counted billions of Czech Korunas.
Still, a precision of, say, 1000, is way faster than unlimited precision (which is I think the default).
This can also be applied to the individual operations:
BigDecimal n = new BigDecimal("0.12345");
n = n.pow(2, new MathContext(1000, RoundingMode.DOWN));
n = n.pow(2, new MathContext(1000, RoundingMode.DOWN));
n = n.pow(2, new MathContext(1000, RoundingMode.DOWN));
n = n.pow(2, new MathContext(1000, RoundingMode.DOWN));