I am trying to find a programmatic way to tell if a binary is x86, x64, or ia64.
Platform: Windows. Language: c/c++.
Background: Before trying to load a thir
use GetBinaryType(...)
Here is same question for manged exe.
Use the ImageNtHeader(...) to get the PE data of the file and then check the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.Machine field.
Here is some code I found using Google Code Search
No Cleanup and NO error checking
// map the file to our address space
// first, create a file mapping object
hMap = CreateFileMapping(
NULL, // security attrs
PAGE_READONLY, // protection flags
0, // max size - high DWORD
0, // max size - low DWORD
NULL ); // mapping name - not used
// next, map the file to our address space
void* mapAddr = MapViewOfFileEx(
hMap, // mapping object
FILE_MAP_READ, // desired access
0, // loc to map - hi DWORD
0, // loc to map - lo DWORD
0, // #bytes to map - 0=all
NULL ); // suggested map addr
peHdr = ImageNtHeader( mapAddr );
I open-sourced a project on Github that checks for VC++ redistributable DLLs specifically and there's a code snippet I created based off of the function in Shay's answer that successfully finds, loads, and inspects DLLs for x86 / x64 compatibility.
Full code snippet below:
Function Name: CheckProductUsingCurrentDirectory
Description: Queries the current working directory for a given binary.
Inputs: pszProductFolderToCheck - the product name to look up.
pBinaryArchitecture - the desired processor architecture
of the binary (x86, x64, etc..).
Results: true if the requested product is installed
false otherwise
bool CheckProductUsingCurrentDirectory(const LPCTSTR pszProductBinaryToCheck, Architecture pBinaryArchitecture){
bool bFoundRequestedProduct = false;
//Get the length of the buffer first
TCHAR currentDirectory[MAX_PATH];
DWORD currentDirectoryChars = GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, currentDirectory);
//exit if couldn't get current directory
if (currentDirectoryChars <= 0) return bFoundRequestedProduct;
TCHAR searchPath[MAX_PATH];
//exit if we couldn't combine the path to the requested binary
if (PathCombine(searchPath, currentDirectory, pszProductBinaryToCheck) == NULL) return bFoundRequestedProduct;
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
HANDLE hFind= FindFirstFile(searchPath, &FindFileData);
//exit if the binary was not found
if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return bFoundRequestedProduct;
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto cleanup;
HANDLE hMapping = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY | SEC_IMAGE, 0, 0, pszProductBinaryToCheck);
if (hMapping == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto cleanup;
LPVOID addrHeader = MapViewOfFile(hMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
if (addrHeader == NULL) goto cleanup; //couldn't memory map the file
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS peHdr = ImageNtHeader(addrHeader);
if (peHdr == NULL) goto cleanup; //couldn't read the header
//Found the binary, AND its architecture matches. Success!
if (peHdr->FileHeader.Machine == pBinaryArchitecture){
bFoundRequestedProduct = true;
cleanup: //release all of our handles
return bFoundRequestedProduct;
This question and Shay's answer were helpful to me while I was creating this, so I thought I'd post the project here.
You can check the PE header yourself to read the IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE
field. Here's a C# implementation that shouldn't be too hard to adapt to C++.