Learning SQL, sorry if this is rudimentary. Trying to figure out a working UPDATE
solution for the following pseudoish-code:
You can use following query syntax:
update work_to_do as target
inner join (
select w. client, work_unit
from work_to_do as w
inner join eligible_client as e on e.client = w.client
where processor = 0
order by priority desc
limit 10
) as source on source.client = target.client
and source.work_unit = target.work_unit
set processor = @process_id;
This works perfectly.
The solution is to nest ORDER BY and LIMIT in a FROM clause as part of a join. This let's you find the exact row to be updated (ta.id) first, then commit the update.
UPDATE tableA AS target
SELECT ta.id
FROM tableA AS ta
INNER JOIN tableB AS tb ON tb.id = ta.user_id
WHERE tb.username = '$varName'
ORDER BY ta.datetime DESC
LIMIT 1) AS source ON source.id = target.id
SET col1 = '$var';
Hat tip to Baron Schwartz, a.k.a. Xaprb, for the excellent post on this exact topic: http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2006/08/10/how-to-use-order-by-and-limit-on-multi-table-updates-in-mysql/