I am getting following error when trying to configure Push Notification:
06-07 01:05:59.735 18708-18708/com.ebr.apps.ebr.development E/FirebaseInstanceId: Fa
If your coming from a search engine: you might have as well run into this bug, which affects also the current version com.google.android.gms:play-services-gcm:9.8.0
It was not yet possible to reproduce the bug and it is not fully understood how the situation can happen but you might be interested in following the thread.
I found the solution, the problem was that Instabug GCMListener was conflicting with my GCMListener. I set the priority of my gcm listener and it started working.
<intent-filter android:priority="10000">
<action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE"/>