For example, I am writing some function for lists and I want to use length function
foo :: [a] -> Bool
foo xs = length xs == 100
How can
There are a couple different ways to make a finite list type. The first is simply to make lists strict in their spines:
data FList a = Nil | Cons a !(FList a)
Unfortunately, this throws away all efficiency benefits of laziness. Some of these can be recovered by using length-indexed lists instead:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
data Vec :: Nat -> * -> * where
Nil :: Vec 'Z a
Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec ('S n) a
instance Functor (Vec n) where
fmap _f Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap f xs)
data FList :: * -> * where
FList :: Vec n a -> FList a
instance Functor FList where
fmap f (FList xs) = FList (fmap f xs)
fcons :: a -> FList a -> FList a
fcons x (FList xs) = FList (Cons x xs)
funcons :: FList a -> Maybe (a, FList a)
funcons (FList Nil) = Nothing
funcons (FList (Cons x xs)) = Just (x, FList xs)
-- Foldable and Traversable instances are straightforward
-- as well, and in recent GHC versions, Foldable brings
-- along a definition of length.
GHC does not allow infinite types, so there's no way to build an infinite Vec
and thus no way to build an infinite FList
(1). However, an FList
can be transformed and consumed somewhat lazily, with the cache and garbage collection benefits that entails.
(1) Note that the type system forces fcons
to be strict in its FList
argument, so any attempt to tie a knot with FList
will bottom out.
ErikR and John Coleman have already answered the main parts of your question, however I'd like to point out something in addition:
It's best to write your functions in a way that they simply don't depend on the finiteness or infinity of their inputs — sometimes it's impossible but a lot of the time it's just a matter of redesign. For example instead of computing the average of the entire list, you can compute a running average, which is itself a list; and this list will itself be infinite if the input list is infinite, and finite otherwise.
avg :: [Double] -> [Double]
avg = drop 1 . scanl f 0.0 . zip [0..]
where f avg (n, i) = avg * (dbl n / dbl n') +
i / dbl n' where n' = n+1
dbl = fromInteger
in which case you could average an infinite list, not having to take its length
*Main> take 10 $ avg [1..]
In other words, one option is to design as much of your functions to simply not care about the infinity aspect, and delay the (full) evaluation of lists, and other (potentially infinite) data structures, to as late a phase in your program as possible.
This way they will also be more reusable and composable — anything with fewer or more general assumptions about its inputs tends to be more composable; conversely, anything with more or more specific assumptions tends to be less composable and therefore less reusable.
traverses the entire list, but to determine if a list has a particular length n
you only need to look at the first n
Your idea of using take
will work. Alternatively
you can write a lengthIs
function like this:
-- assume n >= 0
lengthIs 0 [] = True
lengthIs 0 _ = False
lengthIs n [] = False
lengthIs n (x:xs) = lengthIs (n-1) xs
You can use the same idea to write the lengthIsAtLeast
and lengthIsAtMost
On edit: I am primaily responding to the question in your title rather than the specifics of your particular example, (for which ErikR's answer is excellent).
A great many functions (such as length
itself) on lists only make sense for finite lists. If the function that you are writing only makes sense for finite lists, make that clear in the documentation (if it isn't obvious). There isn't any way to enforce the restriction since the Halting problem is unsolvable. There simply is no algorithm to determine ahead of time whether or not the comprehension
takeWhile f [1..]
(where f
is a predicate on integers) produces a finite or an infinite list.
s and laziness strike again:
import Data.List
data Nat = S Nat | Z deriving (Eq)
instance Num Nat where
fromInteger 0 = Z
fromInteger n = S (fromInteger (n - 1))
Z + m = m
S n + m = S (n + m)
lazyLength :: [a] -> Nat
lazyLength = genericLength
main = do
print $ lazyLength [1..] == 100 -- False
print $ lazyLength [1..100] == 100 -- True