Today I wanted to investigate if it is possible to construct a data type in such a way, that it does not store the data of the type of its type signature, but another repres
You can do this using a CoYoneda functor.
The idea is simple: have an additional functional field where you accumulate your fmap
ing functions. When you decode your value, then apply that function.
Here's the code:
import Data.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Serialize
data Serialized a where
:: (Serialize a)
=> ByteString -> (a -> b) -> Serialized b
decode' :: Serialized a -> a
decode' (MkSerialized bs f) = let Right r = decode bs in f r
instance Functor Serialized where
fmap f (MkSerialized bs g) = MkSerialized bs (f . g)
This also has the benefit of automatically fusing multiple fmap
s instead of repeated decodings and encodings, as would be in your case.