R data.table: subgroup weighted percent of group

前端 未结 3 575
一整个雨季 2020-12-16 19:24

I have a data.table like:

widgets <- data.table(serial_no=1:100, 

  • 2020-12-16 19:59

    This is almost a single step:

    # A
        totwt = .N
        # color  style frac
     # 1:   red  round 0.36
     # 2:   red pointy 0.32
     # 3:   red   flat 0.32
     # 4: green pointy 0.36
     # 5: green   flat 0.32
     # 6: green  round 0.32
     # 7:  blue   flat 0.36
     # 8:  blue  round 0.32
     # 9:  blue pointy 0.32
    # 10: black  round 0.36
    # 11: black pointy 0.32
    # 12: black   flat 0.32
    # B
        totwt = sum(weight)
     #    color  style      frac
     # 1:   red  round 0.3466667
     # 2:   red pointy 0.3466667
     # 3:   red   flat 0.3066667
     # 4: green pointy 0.3333333
     # 5: green   flat 0.3200000
     # 6: green  round 0.3466667
     # 7:  blue   flat 0.3866667
     # 8:  blue  round 0.2933333
     # 9:  blue pointy 0.3200000
    # 10: black  round 0.3733333
    # 11: black pointy 0.3333333
    # 12: black   flat 0.2933333

    How it works: Construct your denominator for the top-level group (color) before going to the finer group (color with style) to tabulate.

    Alternatives. If styles repeat within each color and this is only for display purposes, try a table:

    # A
    #        style
    # color   flat pointy round
    #   black 0.32   0.32  0.36
    #   blue  0.36   0.32  0.32
    #   green 0.32   0.36  0.32
    #   red   0.32   0.32  0.36
    # B
    #        style
    # color        flat    pointy     round
    #   black 0.2933333 0.3333333 0.3733333
    #   blue  0.3866667 0.3200000 0.2933333
    #   green 0.3200000 0.3333333 0.3466667
    #   red   0.3066667 0.3466667 0.3466667

    For B, this expands the data so that there is one observation for each unit of weight. With large data, such an expansion would be a bad idea (since it costs so much memory). Also, weight has to be an integer; otherwise, its sum will be silently truncated to one (e.g., try rep(1,2.5) # [1] 1 1).

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  • 2020-12-16 20:18

    Calculate a frequency table for each style within color and then for each row look up the frequency for that row's style in that table finally dividing by the number of rows within that color.

    widgets[, frac := table(style)[style] / .N, by = color]


      > widgets
         serial_no color  style weight frac
      1:         1   red  round      1 0.36
      2:         2 green pointy      2 0.36
      3:         3  blue   flat      3 0.36
      4:         4 black  round      4 0.36
      5:         5   red pointy      5 0.32
      6:         6 green   flat      1 0.32
      7:         7  blue  round      2 0.32
      8:         8 black pointy      3 0.32
      9:         9   red   flat      4 0.32
     10:        10 green  round      5 0.32
     ... etc ...

    This could readily be translated to base or dplyr, if desired:

    # base
    prop <- function(x) table(x)[x] / length(x)
    transform(widgets, frac = ave(style, color, FUN = prop))
    # dplyr - uses prop function from above
    widgets %>% group_by(color) %>% mutate(frac = prop(style)) %>% ungroup
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  • 2020-12-16 20:23

    it may be a good idea to use dplyr

    df <- widgets %>% 
      group_by(color, style) %>%
      summarise(count = n()) %>%
      mutate(freq = count/sum(count))
    df2 <- widgets %>% 
      group_by(color, style) %>%
      summarise(count_w = sum(weight)) %>%
      mutate(freq = count_w/sum(count_w))  
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