I have a little problem with my networkx code. I am trying to find all the neighbors from a node in a graph, but....
neighbor = Graph.neighbors(element)
From networkx 2.0 onwards, Graph.neighbors(element)
returns an iterator rather than a list.
To get the list, simply apply list
or use list comprehension:
neighbors = [n for n in Graph.neighbors(element)]
The first method (first mentioned by Joel) is the recommended method, as it's faster.
Reference: https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/reference/classes/generated/networkx.Graph.neighbors.html
You can make method for that like,
def neighbors(G, n):
"""Return a list of nodes connected to node n. """
return list(G.neighbors(n))
And call that method as:
print(" neighbours = ", neighbors(graph,'5'))
Where 5 is the node in a graph and
graph = nx.read_edgelist(path, data = (('weight', float), ))
and path variable contains dataset file path value where data is in more numbers of nodes and edges.
As others have noted, in networkx 2.0 neighbors
returns an iterator rather than a list. Networkx has provided a guide for migrating code written in 1.x to 2.0. For neighbors
, it recommends
(see Fastest way to convert an iterator to a list). The migration guide provides the example:
>>> G = nx.complete_graph(5)
>>> n = 1
>>> G.neighbors(n)
<dictionary-keyiterator object at ...>
>>> list(G.neighbors(n))
[0, 2, 3, 4]