I have written 3 ASP.net MVC web applications, and all are deployed on shared hosting servers with my ISP.
All 3 applications are very similar in configuration and s
So it turns out that the reason for the above SecurityException is 3-fold
my ISP has ASP.net configured to run in medium trust mode on it's newer servers, and full trust mode on its older servers. My Web Applications are split between these 2 servers, which is why I am getting different behaviour between the applications even though they are configured exactly the same
I am using log4net for error logging, and in my Global.asax file, I have the following:
protected void Application_Start()
log.Debug("Logging Initialized.");
This line - log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure();
is what is throwing the above exception. It only happens once when the application is started, or restarted if they web.config is modified. That is why I couldn't figure out where the problem was coming from.
I had to add a requirePermission="false" to the log4net configSection in the web.config:
<section name="log4net" requirePermission="false" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/>
Now if I was developing in medium trust mode, I would have picked these problems up. You can force your app to run in medium trust mode by adding the following to my web.config:
<trust level="Medium"/>
By forcing my app to run in medium trust mode, I picked up the source exception in dev exactly where it originated, and figured out what was wrong from there on..