Here is an excerpt from a JS encryption script that I am studying.
function permutationGenerator(nNumElements) {
this.nNumElements = nNumElements;
Left shift 8 bits and bitwise OR with j.
is the left shift operator. Shifts the bits in the variable left the number of positions indicated.
is the right shift operator. Shifts the bits in the variable right the number of position indicated.
is the bitwise OR operator. Performs a logical OR on each bit in the two operands.
is the bitwise AND operator. Performs a logical AND on each bit in the two operands.
<< is a bitwise left shift. >> is a bitwise right shift. | is a bitwise OR. & is a bitwise AND. Please see this reference for more information.
| = bitwise or
& = bitwise and
so it's the same as && and || just with the single bits
<< is left shift, so
0110 << 2 shifts the numbers left by two positions, yielding 011000 another way to think of this is multiplication by two, so x<<1 == x*2, x<<2 == x*2*2 and so on, so it's x * Math.pow(2,n) for x<
is the opposite, so 0110 >> 2 ---> 0001 you can think of it as division by two, BUT with rounding down, so it equals