mod_wsgi working directory and user

前端 未结 1 388
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-16 16:42

I\'m running flask on mod_wsgi. my flask app, which is on /var/www/app receives some file from user and saves it to /var/www/app/tmp directory. How

  • 2020-12-16 17:40

    The documentation for WSGIDaemonProcess says you can use the home=... stanza:


    Defines an absolute path of a directory which should be used as the initial current working directory of the daemon processes within the process group. If this option is not defined, in mod_wsgi 1.X the current working directory of the Apache parent process will be inherited by the daemon processes within the process group. Normally the current working directory of the Apache parent process would be the root directory. In mod_wsgi 2.0+ the initial current working directory will be set to be the home directory of the user that the daemon process runs as.

    I'm curious, though -- why would using os.chdir be any more of a security risk in your opinion?

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