I\'m a bit mixed up, since I changed the app name, Bundle Display name, and Bundle identifier name...and now my app works properly, but my today widget won\'t.
For me this due to the misnamed bundle identifier for my app extension. Similar to @dougbeal's answer, but slightly different formatting that worked for me:
I was missing the "."
before Extension
This also addressed a related to issue
I ran into a similar problem with the Bundle identifier
in a share extension
app Info.plist: com.company.product.$(PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier)
ext Info.plist: com.company.product.$(PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier)
So I ended up with
app Info.plist: com.company.product.product
ext Info.plist: com.company.product.product_ext
which passed the build checks but refused to run on a device with error:
This app contains an app extension with an illegal bundle identifier. App extension bundle identifiers must have a prefix consisting of their containing application's bundle identifier followed by a '.'.
Once I removed the extra product
, the build ran on a device.
app Info.plist: com.company.$(PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier)
ext Info.plist: com.company.product.$(PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier)
app Info.plist: com.company.product
ext Info.plist: com.company.product.product_ext
I discovered my error when I accidentally changed the application Info.plist
instead of the extension Info.plist
. To aid in debugging the problem, introduce an error into the application Info.plist
, and you should get a build error with the Bundle identifier
of the app and extension:
If the selected answer doesn't work, I found what appears to be an issue in xcode switching between some target schemas which caused this.
In this case, try doing a complete clean, as well as a clean of the build folder (hold down ALT when selecting product/clean).
Addendum: As this happens fairly often for me now, a quicker fix is to also remove all .appex files. Eg:
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
find . -name "*.appex" -exec rm -fr {} \;