I run my Winforms app using SQLServer assemblies Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo ( Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO(
On the same machine SSMS 2016(Au
I had the same issue. With the updated SSMS, the main SMO are now installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Tasks"
with the version in VS (the Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll file has the 13.0.15700.28 version) but there is no Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlClrProvider.dll referenced in GAC. When I take the one provided with SSMS, I get an exception further into my code.
The problem is that the installer of SSMS adds reference of these private SMO to list of references of Visual Studio. Charles Gagnon gave me a workaround (the use of the HintPath) that I implemented in my .csproj