Hi I\'m trying to add \"Sign-In with Google+\" capabilities to my app. I have followed the steps from here https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/start-integ
@madebysid It is found in the Firebase console now. When you enter the console for that project you can click on the little gear next to the project overview. Go into Project settings, create an app instance for iOS or Android and download the necessary file in my case .JSON
This is really an error related to google-services.json file. If you check a valid google-services.json file, you'll see that there is an object called "project_info", containing all the keys needed for google to link your project with the Plus API.
I had the same error and in my case, the problem was that I downloaded the json file directly from the API console (Second button on the first image). This is the wrong file. Every time you add an OAuth credential to the API console, you should download the updated google-services.json file from the same place you generated it at first: This page (Second and third images)