How to add day to date in Linq to SQL

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栀梦 2020-12-16 13:53

I am writing this code. Here dt is input into the function, as well as someint. The column Exp is a T-SQL date column, which comes as a DateTime through Linq.

  • 2020-12-16 14:37

    I solve my problem with that query.

    return (from a in dataContext.TableOfA
           where == "Test" &&
    a.Exp.Value.Millisecond),Someint) >=     
           select a).First();
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  • 2020-12-16 14:38

    Have you considered writing your own user-defined function that basically takes in an int (for number of days) and date, returns the results of a dateadd()? Then pull that into the LINQ class in your project. Then, instead of calling .AddDate(), call your UDF - this will allow you to keep everything in your LINQ query without having to manually piece together a SQLCommand.

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  • 2020-12-16 14:42

    Create a new DateTime object and use AddDays method after that:

    new DateTime(t.Key.Year,t.Key.Month,T.Key.Day).AddDays(xx)
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  • 2020-12-16 14:43

    It seems like this scenario is mostly fixed in .NET 4.5.

    However, if you write:

    var activeProducts = from p in db.Products where DateTime.Now() <= p.EndDate.Date.AddDays(7) select p;

    You will get the same error message as described in the OP.

    But, if you write:

    var activeProducts = from p in db.Products where DateTime.Now() <= p.EndDate.AddDays(7) select p;

    Then you can enter the land of milk and honey. Note that I did not call .Date on the database's DateTime representation. This seems to be an edge case missing test coverage by the LINQ 2 SQL framework in 4.5

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