Wants to convert doctrine entiry object to normal array, this is my code so far,
$demo = $this->doctrine->em->find(\'Entity\\User\',2);
I made a recursive function in my Repository a few months ago, it's not perfect (like, if you have a field createdBy and updatedBy, it will only retrieve the value for one user because of a rather simple protection against recursivity with $aClassNamesDone), but it may help:
public function entityToArray($entity, &$aClassNamesDone=array(), $latestClassName="") {
$result = array();
if(is_null($entity)) {
return $result;
$className = get_class($entity);
// init with calling entity
if(empty($aClassNamesDone)) {
$aClassNamesDone[] =$className;
$uow = $this->getEntityManager()->getUnitOfWork();
$entityPersister = $uow->getEntityPersister($className);
$classMetadata = $entityPersister->getClassMetadata();
//if(strstr($className, 'DoctrineProxies\\__CG__\\')){
if(strstr($className, 'Proxies\\__CG__\\')){
foreach ($uow->getOriginalEntityData($entity) as $field => $value) {
if (isset($classMetadata->associationMappings[$field])) {
$assoc = $classMetadata->associationMappings[$field];
if (isset($classMetadata->columnNames[$field])) {
$columnName = $classMetadata->columnNames[$field];
$result[$columnName] = $value;
// to avoid recursivity we can look for the owning side (gives similar results as Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY):
// elseif($assoc['isOwningSide']) { ...
// or we can track entities explored and avoid any duplicates (this will however ignore some fields pointing to the same entity class)
// for example: only one of createdBy, updatedBy will be kept
else if(!in_array($assoc['targetEntity'], $aClassNamesDone) || $assoc['targetEntity'] == $latestClassName) {
try {
if ($assoc['targetEntity'] != 'Timestamp') {
$aClassNamesDone[] = $assoc['targetEntity'];
$targetClass = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']);
if (($assoc['type'] == \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY) || ($assoc['type'] == \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata::ONE_TO_MANY)) {
$getterName = 'get' . ucfirst($assoc['fieldName']);
$entityChildren = $entity->$getterName();
foreach ($entityChildren as $oneChild) {
$result[$assoc['fieldName']][] = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository($assoc['targetEntity'])->entityToArray($oneChild, $aClassNamesDone, $assoc['targetEntity']);
} else if (($assoc['type'] == \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata::ONE_TO_ONE) || ($assoc['type'] == \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_ONE)) {
$getterName = 'get' . ucfirst($assoc['fieldName']);
$entityChild = $entity->$getterName();
$result[$assoc['fieldName']] = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository($assoc['targetEntity'])->entityToArray($entityChild, $aClassNamesDone, $assoc['targetEntity']);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//var_dump('No entityToArray for ' . $assoc['targetEntity']);
throw ($e);
return $result;
If you alread have the object entity fetched form the database, you could also work with the DoctrineModule\Stdlib\Hydrator\DoctrineObject
* Assume your entity for which you want to create an array is in $entityObject.
* And it is an instance of YourEntity::class.
$tmpObject = new DoctrineObject($this->entityManager, YourEntity::class);
$data = $tmpObject->extract($entityObject);
Now $data
will contain your object as array.
P.S. I'm not sure this was possible when the question was asked.