Disable clipboard prompt in Excel VBA on workbook close

后端 未结 7 2166
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-16 13:03

I have an Excel workbook, which using VBA code that opens another workbook, copies some data into the original, then closes the second workbook.

When I close the sec

  • 2020-12-16 13:31

    Just clear the clipboard before closing.

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  • 2020-12-16 13:34

    I can offer two options

    1. Direct copy

    Based on your description I'm guessing you are doing something like

    Set wb2 = Application.Workbooks.Open("YourFile.xls")

    If this is the case, you don't need to copy via the clipboard. This method copies from source to destination directly. No data in clipboard = no prompt

    Set wb2 = Application.Workbooks.Open("YourFile.xls")
    wb2.Sheets("YourSheet").[<YourRange>].Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Cells(<YourCell")
    1. Suppress prompt

    You can prevent all alert pop-ups by setting

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False


    1. To copy values only: don't use copy/paste at all

    Dim rSrc As Range
    Dim rDst As Range
    Set rSrc = wb2.Sheets("YourSheet").Range("YourRange")
    Set rDst = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Cells("YourCell").Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count)
    rDst = rSrc.Value
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  • 2020-12-16 13:35

    If I may add one more solution: you can simply cancel the clipboard with this command:

    Application.CutCopyMode = False
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  • 2020-12-16 13:35

    If you don't want to save any changes and don't want that Save prompt while saving an Excel file using Macro then this piece of code may helpful for you

    Sub Auto_Close()
         ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
    End Sub

    Because the Saved property is set to True, Excel responds as though the workbook has already been saved and no changes have occurred since that last save, so no Save prompt.

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  • 2020-12-16 13:36

    proposed solution edit works if you replace the row

    Set rDst = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Cells("YourCell").Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count)


    Set rDst = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Range("YourRange").Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count)
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  • 2020-12-16 13:41

    I have hit this problem in the past - from the look of it if you don't actually need the clipboard at the point that you exit, so you can use the same simple solution I had. Just clear the clipboard. :)

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