I want to get the Date in MM/DD/YY
format from a timestamp.
I have used the below method but it does not gives proper output
final Calen
use String.format
which is able to convert long (milliseconds) to date/time string in different formats:
String str;
long time = 1306249409 * 1000L; // milliseconds
str = String.format("%1$tm/%1$td/%1$ty", time); // 05/24/11
str = String.format("%tF", time); // 2011-05-24 (ISO 8601)
str = String.format("Date--%td", time); // Date--24
str = String.format("Month--%tm", time); // Month--05
str = String.format("Year--%ty", time); // Year--11
documentation: format string.