In PowerShell, how can I test if a variable holds a numeric value?
Currently, I\'m trying to do it like this, but it always seems to return false
You can do something like :
$testvar -match '^[0-9]+$'
$testvar -match '^\d+$'
Returns True
if $testvar
is a number.
I ran into this topic while working on input validation with read-host. If I tried to specify the data type for the variable as part of the read-host command and the user entered something other than that data type then read-host would error out. This is how I got around that and ensured that the user enters the data type I wanted:
[int]$thing = read-host -prompt "Enter a number or else"
$GotANumber = $true
$GotANumber = $false
"-123.456e-789" -match "^\-?(\d+\.?\d*)(e\-?\d+)?$|^0x[0-9a-f]+$"
"0xab789" -match "^\-?(\d+\.?\d*)(e\-?\d+)?$|^0x[0-9a-f]+$"
will check for numbers (integers, floats and hex).
Please note that this does not cover the case of commas/dots being used as separators for thousands.
"error converting to int"
this is more universal, because this way you can test also strings (read from a file for example) if they represent number. The other solutions using -is [int] result in false if you would have "123" as string in a variable. This also works on machines with older powershell then 5.1
-is and -as operators requires a type you can compare against. If you're not sure what the type might be, try to evaluate the content (partial type list):
(Invoke-Expression '1.5').GetType().Name -match 'byte|short|int32|long|sbyte|ushort|uint32|ulong|float|double|decimal'
Good or bad, it can work against hex values as well (Invoke-Expression '0xA' ...)
Testing if a value is numeric or a string representation of a numeric value.
function Test-Number
$Number -is [ValueType] -or [Double]::TryParse($Number,[ref]$null)
Testing if a value is numeric.
function Test-Number
$Number -is [ValueType]