I have the code (stripped down):
CFDictionaryRef *currentListingRef;
//declare currentListingRef here
NSDictionary *currentListing;
currentListing = (NSDicti
In ARC, this should be done this way:
CFDictionaryRef currentListingRef = ...;
NSDictionary *currentListing = CFBridgingRelease(currentListingRef);
This releases the CF object and transfers ownership of the object to ARC otherwise you should release CF object manually.
Try this code,
NSDictionary *ssidList = (__bridge NSDictionary*)myDict;
NSString *SSID = [ssidList valueForKey:@"SSID"];
ARC changed the way bridging works.
NSDictionary *original = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"World" forKey:@"Hello"];
CFDictionaryRef dict = (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)original;
NSDictionary *andBack = (__bridge NSDictionary*)dict;
NSLog(@"%@", andBack);