All paths of length L from node n using python

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-16 07:34

Given a graph G, a node n and a length L, I\'d like to collect all (non-cyclic) paths of length L that depart from n.

Do you have any idea on how to approach this?

  • 2020-12-16 08:14

    A very simple way to approach (and solve entirely) this problem is to use the adjacency matrix A of the graph. The (i,j) th element of A^L is the number of paths between nodes i and j of length L. So if you sum these over all j keeping i fixed at n, you get all paths emanating from node n of length L.

    This will also unfortunately count the cyclic paths. These, happily, can be found from the element A^L(n,n), so just subtract that.

    So your final answer is: Σj{A^L(n,j)} - A^L(n,n).

    Word of caution: say you're looking for paths of length 5 from node 1: this calculation will also count the path with small cycles inside like 1-2-3-2-4, whose length is 5 or 4 depending on how you choose to see it, so be careful about that.

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  • 2020-12-16 08:27

    Use a depth limited search ( where you keep a set of visited nodes for the detection of a cycle when on a path. For example you can build a tree from your node n with all nodes and length of L then prune the tree.

    I did a quick search of graph algorithms to do this, but didn't find anything. There is a list of graph algorithms ( that may have just what you are looking for.

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  • 2020-12-16 08:31

    I would just like to expand on Lance Helsten's excellent answer:

    The depth-limited search searches for a particular node within a certain depth (what you're calling the length L), and stops when it finds it. If you will take a look at the pseudocode in the wiki link in his answer, you'll understand this:

    DLS(node, goal, depth) {
      if ( depth >= 0 ) {
        if ( node == goal )
          return node
        for each child in expand(node)
          DLS(child, goal, depth-1)

    In your case, however, as you're looking for all paths of length L from a node, you will not stop anywhere. So the pseudocode must be modified to:

    DLS(node, depth) {
        for each child in expand(node) {
          record paths as [node, child]
          DLS(child, depth-1)

    After you're done with recording all the single-link paths from successive nests of the DLS, just take a product of them to get the entire path. The number of these gives you the number of paths of the required depth starting from the node.

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  • 2020-12-16 08:36

    This solution might be improved in terms efficiency but it seems very short and makes use of networkx functionality:

    G = nx.complete_graph(4)
    n =  0
    L = 3
    result = []
    for paths in (nx.all_simple_paths(G, n, target, L) for target in G.nodes_iter()):
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  • 2020-12-16 08:36

    Here is another (rather naive) implementation I came up with after reading the answers here:

    def findAllPaths(node, childrenFn, depth, _depth=0, _parents={}):
        if _depth == depth - 1:
            # path found with desired length, create path and stop traversing
            path = []
            parent = node
            for i in xrange(depth):
                path.insert(0, parent)
                if not parent in _parents:
                parent = _parents[parent]
                if parent in path:
                    return # this path is cyclic, forget
            yield path
        for nb in childrenFn(node):
            _parents[nb] = node # keep track of where we came from
            for p in findAllPaths(nb, childrenFn, depth, _depth + 1, _parents):
                yield p
    graph = {
        0: [1, 2],
        1: [4, 5],
        2: [3, 10],
        3: [8, 9],
        4: [6],
        5: [6],
        6: [7],
        7: [],
        8: [],
        9: [],
        10: [2] # cycle
    for p in findAllPaths(0, lambda n: graph[n], depth=4):
    # [0, 1, 4, 6]
    # [0, 1, 5, 6]
    # [0, 2, 3, 8]
    # [0, 2, 3, 9]
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